Op Procedures
We provide Procedures on Aural Endoscopy, Foreign Body removal, Microscope assisted ear wax cleaning, Intra tympanic injections, Video Laryngoscopy, Diagnostic nasal endoscopy and Vertigo .

We deal with problems related to voice with MLS – Micro laryngeal Surgery. And also we provide treatments for Phonosurgery, Medialisation Thyroplasty, Cordotomy, Vocal Cord Injections and Laser Surgery.

Head & Neck Surgery
Our doctors Provide Treatments related to Thyroid Surgery, Thyroglossal cyst surgery, Parotidectomy, Submandibular Gland Excision (Transoral Scarless),Laser surgeries for head and neck Lesions, Head and Neck Onco surgery.

Pediatric ENT
Provides diagnostic and treatment program for all diseases involving the ear, nose or throat. Procedures include Adeno Tonsillectomy, Pediatric Airway Procedures, Choanal Atresia Repair. Foreign body Ear, Nose, Throat , Auricular Hematoma, Otitic Barotrauma, Sudden Hearing loss, Nasal Fracture.

We deal with Diseases of Nose and paranasal sinuses with treatments including FESS, Septoplasty, Turbinoplasty, Fracture Nasal Bone Correction, Endoscopic Medial Maxillectomy, Endoscopic Nasal Mass, Pituitary and Anterior Skull Base Surgery. Cosmetic Surgery, Debrider Surgeries (XOMED).

All ear related diseases are treated with Myringotomy and Grommet Insertions, Endoscopic Ear Surgery, Cavity Obliteration, Tympanoplasty, Ossiculoplasty, Facial nerve decompreaa ssion, Revision Ear Surgery, Lateral Skull Base surgery, CSF Otorrhea Repair, Aural Atresioplasty, Vertigo ,Vertigo, Keloid removal.